Not another “best of” list: practicing business self-care

Oh, hi! Remember me? No? Makes sense; it’s been a minute. Okay, more than a minute. In lieu of gifting you an earworm of a beloved track from Rent, I’ll be frank: it’s been a year. Twelve months of minutes during which I did not post to my blog.

Woman holding a clock over her face. Courtesy of Unsplash.

A long-lost friend from graduate school, a fellow social worker who now owns a counseling practice, recently reached out to discuss how I might help elevate his company’s communications. He had every intention to send newsletters and blog regularly, but his therapy schedule has been packed.

“I get it,” I told him. I, too, was super busy with clients and had been neglecting my own blog.

The difference? He was busy providing people with critical support during a major global mental health crisis and therapist shortage.

And I’m a writer.

Woman balancing in the yoga Dancer Pose. Courtesy of Unsplash.

While I’ve been consistent with personal self-care through such practices as meditation, cycling, and yoga (how long until I master crow pose, though?), as of late, when it comes to self-care of my business, I give myself an enthusiastic thumbs down.

It is my absolute honor to partner with and write for organizations who are engaged in meaningful—often life-saving—work.* We share the tendency to put others’ needs first.

I’ve certainly never advised a client to start a blog and then ignore it.

Perhaps this can be our year for nurturing our business wellness. Whatever that looks like for your organization. My plan includes recommitting to my website. Maybe yours is outsourcing that back burner newsletter to a storytelling freelance writer. Or hiring a campaign case statement writer. In whatever ways I can help you achieve your version of business self-care, I’m only an email or call away.

Oh, and the silver lining? That blog published nearly 525,600 minutes ago was my top-read post of 2022!

*I am ever grateful to my clients for trusting me with your messaging. It is a pleasure to be your partner in bettering the world around us—thank you.


Coffee talk: A sweet lesson in building strong donor relationships


Extra(vert)*, Extra(vert)! Write all about it!