CFC Blog
Translating everyday anecdotes into attainable goals for improving communications.
Babka for the win
It is always a delight when a writer seems to be speaking directly to me, as was the case this morning while skimming a blog and being struck that no truer words have ever been uttered: Self-control and babka do not coexist. Though I'd never attempted my own babka--the baking of which is deemed "no casual undertaking" by NYT Cooking. Why does the challenge intimidate me?
Who are you hiring to write in the new year?
Assessing where writing responsibilities live—and where they should live—is the first step to building an effective development communications program. Many nonprofits underestimate the impact of their donor communications; but writing for your philanthropic community is not a throwaway position. In fact, words can make or break donor loyalty, alumni relationships, and campaign success.