CFC Blog
Translating everyday anecdotes into attainable goals for improving communications.
Babka for the win
It is always a delight when a writer seems to be speaking directly to me, as was the case this morning while skimming a blog and being struck that no truer words have ever been uttered: Self-control and babka do not coexist. Though I'd never attempted my own babka--the baking of which is deemed "no casual undertaking" by NYT Cooking. Why does the challenge intimidate me?
On being a Caren (with a C)
I’ve wanted to change my name for as long as I can remember. And today, as the nation reckons with systemic racism after the death of George Floyd and during a global pandemic, the internet has become rife with viral videos and memes calling out white women as “Karen,” now the umbrella term to classify perceived racism, white anger, and entitlement.